Podratic’s Blog


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Cheap Luggage Anyone?

As an avid gawker of the low end pro video recorder market some interesting trends seem to be emerging. There are also some puzzling scenarios unfolding between competing companies.

Panasonic pretty much paved the way for affordable quality video recording with the DVX100. They went on to introduce one of the first cameras (the HVX200) to offer solid state recording. Sony has been leading the charge over the past few years with the EX1, an excellent cam with a large processor also storing to solid state. Canon… Hmm!

What is really going on in the Canon camp? To date Canon has offered nothing in the solid state market. They clearly have the technology. Take a peak down the ladder and you will see the consumer (arguably prosumer) HF-S11 sporting a 1/2 sensor and all types of goodies including a lanc adapter (usually found in more professional models). And don’t forget what’s happening on their DSLR side. The Canon 5D Mark II has proven to be a game changer for filmmakers looking for the filmic look at an affordable price. So, what’s up Canon?

There is a company called RED owned by Oakley (that’s right, Oakley glasses) who is steadily creating some powerful cameras that’s making the big boys scratch their heads. The RED One  has a huge chip, interchangeable lenses and solid state acquisition. They have also announced the release of the Scarlet, a smaller and more affordable version of the RED One.

So this is what I’m thinking: Canon is waiting for the release of the Scarlet, then they will the respond with the death blow. It with be the Frankenstein creation: the combination of their video and DSLR technology – solid state, 35mm chip size, interchangeable lenses (making use of their huge inventory) all at an affordable price.

That’s it! Sony/Panasonic/RED pack your bags, go home, there’s nothing more to see.

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